Why YouTube Medical Advice is Critical

Dwight Gilbert Jones
2 min readJul 14, 2021


You can learn to feel better about your body, after you do better by it. I was 75 years old before I learned to eat (low carb) and within a few months went from 208 lbs to 177. It seemed that overnight the lean face I had in the 70’s reappeared in its sharpness, after being hidden behind a layer of carbage fat for 50 years.

Once I had discovered the keto approach, and its biochemist defenders on YouTube, I realized that Big Sugar and Big Food are huge, predatory controllers of the SAD (Standard American Diet). My wife and I now cook meals together, to get our MEDS (meat, eggs, dairy, seafood) that reduce eating to twice daily, without intervening hunger. We learned that statins are a dangerous, unfounded racket, and that heart attacks, diabetes and cancer are, as ‘diseases of civilization’, each downstream from obesity — all of them virtually unknown in the 1800’s.

Humans have never been adapted to carbohydrates, and never shall be. We are diesel engines that burn ketones, yet persist in using our pancreas like a carburetor, to burn sugar.

The analysis of Dr. Chris Knobbe on YouTube will convince anyone that obesity is not something to ‘filter’ from your consciousness. It’s where incels (involuntarily celibate people) come from, and 35% of cancers as well. The AMA, AHA, and ADA have all sold out to Big Pharma, completely.

Doctors remain willfully ignorant of the role of nutrition in health, are best being interventionist specialists. They uttered not a word about the critical role of vitamin D immunology during Covid, because D supplements cost one cent apiece.

It’s time to allow nutritionists, dietitians, naturopaths and biochemists to advise you that your current body weight is your genetic weight (that you had at 18) plus the carbage fat you carry needlessly. Pull back the veil to see yourself as you have always looked historically, and your mental health will dance with delight.

